It's my pleasure to introduce Robin Layman. She and her husband Scott have been  Pacific Residents for 9 years. The couple chose to live in Pacific because they enjoyed the "small community feel, where you know your neighbors" and they liked Pacific Days. Robin is a Master Gardener and has so generously helped her neighbors with lawn and garden care for many years. She even facilitated a gardening class at the Senior Center where they produced 30 hanging baskets which were delivered to the recipients of Meals on Wheels. Robin was a great help to Terry Home when she volunteered in the Boggy Garden. This kind and giving lady is always willing to lend a hand. When Robin's neighbors are on vacation, she'll go over and tend to their yard and garden and when they return home, they are always pleasantly surprised. The relationships Robin has formed in her neighborhood are are definately worth mentioning. Around Christmas time every year, her neighbors share their various evergreen tree branches with Robin which she uses to create lovely wreaths. In return she presents each of them with a wreath. Robin is amazingly crafty and she utilizes her talent all year round for different projects. Another positive contribution Robin makes to her neighborhood is her watchful eye. She is  constantly looking out for the safety of people as well as pets and she is not affraid to get involved if the situation warrants it. Moving forward, Robin would like to see more community events. She suggested picnics at Pacific Park, an Easter egg hunt, a 4th of July barbque, and other community get togethers. 
    Thank you Robin for your dedication to our community, we are privelaged to have you! Stay tuned for more of Our Community's Finest = )

Kiki Strngel
7/28/2012 08:34:02 am

Robin is my sister and I am extremely proud of her. She has a heart of gold!


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